Thursday, August 28, 2014

Exchange 2010 - Creating a Dynamic Distribution List from an AD Security Group

As part of SCSM group notifications I wanted a way to provide security; separate the analysts into groups; be able to provide email addresses for each of the groups; and not have to manage the groups myself.

Enter - Dynamic Distribution Groups

I opened the Exchange Administration Console and started creating a new Dynamic Distribution Group (DDG). I quickly realized that I am unable to filter the DDG based on an Active Directory Security Group (ADSG) like I thought I could.

Quick google search later and I found this technet article

Here is what I came up with Open the Exchange Shell and enter the following commands:

New-DynamicDistributionGroup -Name "NAME_OF_DDG_TO_CREATE" -RecipientFilter {(RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'UserMailbox') -and (MemberOfGroup -eq 'CN=ADSEC_GROUP,OU=GROUPS,DC=SOMEWHERE,DC=COM')

Then I was able to find my DDG in the Exchange Administration Console and set other options like:

  • "Managed By"
  • "Select the recipient container where you want to apply this filter" (by default this points to domain/Users and we have moved all users into a different container for organization)
  • "Hide group from Exchange address lists" (I don't want people to be able to email these groups directly
  • "Do not send delivery reports" (No need since all of these emails are coming from Orchestration Runbooks as the SCSM notifications)

1 comment:

  1. Slot Machines - DrmCD
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