This is what I used -
param( [parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$TRUE)] [String[]] $ComputerName=$Env:COMPUTERNAME, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential ) begin { $PipelineInput = (-not $PSBOUNDPARAMETERS.ContainsKey("ComputerName")) -and (-not $ComputerName) # Outputs the computer name, IP address, and DNS and WINS settings for # every IP-enabled adapter on the specified computer that's configured with # an IPv4 address. function Get-IPInfo($computerName) { $params = @{ "Class" = "Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration" "ComputerName" = $computerName "Filter" = "IPEnabled=True" } if ( $Credential ) { $params.Add("Credential", $Credential) } get-wmiobject @params | foreach-object { foreach ( $adapterAddress in $_.IPAddress ) { if ( $adapterAddress -match '(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}' ) { foreach ( $dnsServerAddress in $_.DNSServerSearchOrder ) { new-object PSObject -property @{ "ComputerName" = $_.__SERVER "IPAddress" = $adapterAddress "DNSServer" = $dnsServerAddress } | select-object ComputerName,IPAddress,DNSServer } } } } } } process { if ( $PipelineInput ) { Get-IPInfo $_ } else { $ComputerName | foreach-object { Get-IPInfo $_ } } }
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