*somehow* the All Systems collection had gotten deleted. I didn't really think anything of it until our HelpDesk system was unable to use it's Asset Inventory function because it was polling the SMS00001 collection.
With some help from Chris Nackers blog I found this vb script which restored the collection with the appropriate collection ID -
'###Begin Code
strParentCollID = "COLLROOT"
'This example creates the collection in the collection root.
'Replace COLLROOT with the CollectionID of an existing collection to make the new collection a child.
strCollectionName = "All Systems"
strCollectionComment = "This is the All Systems Collection."
Set objLoc = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
Set objSMS = objloc.ConnectServer(strSMSServer, "root\sms")
Set Results = objSMS.ExecQuery ("SELECT * From SMS_ProviderLocation WHERE ProviderForLocalSite = true")
For each Loc in Results
If Loc.ProviderForLocalSite = True Then
Set objSMS = objLoc.ConnectServer(Loc.Machine, "root\sms\site_" & Loc.SiteCode)
End if
Set newCollection = objSMS.Get("SMS_Collection").SpawnInstance_()
'Create new "All Systems" collection
newCollection.Name = "All Systems"
newCollection.OwnedByThisSite = True
newCollection.Comment = strCollectionComment
newCollection.CollectionID = "SMS00001"
path = newCollection.Put_
'Set the Relationship
Set newCollectionRelation = objSMS.Get("SMS_CollectToSubCollect").SpawnInstance_()
newCollectionRelation.parentCollectionID = strParentCollID
newCollectionRelation.subCollectionID = ("SMS00001")
'###End Code
Then all I had to do was add my customized query, that removes discovered apple devices, into the collection and do an update/refresh and presto (You could remove the "where" part of the statement to get it back to original) -
select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client
from SMS_R_System
where SMS_R_System.Name not like "%AD"
and SMS_R_System.Name not like "%AL"